Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat: 10 AM – 5 PM
Tue & Thu: 10 AM – 8 PM
Laptop/Chromebook Checkouts:
- Available to check out and use in the parking lot.
- Driver’s license must be submitted at the time of the laptop checkout and will be returned when the laptop is returned.
- Two-hour limit per day.
- No holds are allowed on laptops.
- A $5 fine will be charged for every overdue hour.
Contact Information:
(540)-885-3961 or (540)-949-6354
1759 Jefferson Highway
Fishersville, VA 22939
Meeting Rooms:
Interested in reserving a meeting room? Contact Doug at (540)-885-3961 or dougkeith@augustacountylibrary.org for availability.
About the Fishersville Library
The Fishersville Library is the main location of the Augusta County Library system. It also plays host to the Augusta County Genealogical Society, which provides a volunteer-run collection of local and family histories for public use. Please click here to visit their site for more information about hours and research assistance.
For your convenience, an exterior, drive-up book drop is located at the end of the library as you proceed through the one-way drive. You can return items any time of day, even if the library is closed.